Tuesday, January 10, 2006


There have been multiple times that i've wished my life had an edit button. Instead, my mind replays the stupid thing i've said or done in slow motion while giving a play by play commentary. Thanks to the advancement of technology (or something like that) i have recently been able to delete a previous post. I have to admit, there's something beautifully freeing in being able to purge thoughts by writing them but then send them to oblivion upon sobriety. While the words hold no less truth now than they did a week ago, embarrassment has become a possibility. Of course I could be wrong and I'm merely going all Doogie (how do you spell that?!?) and i really am the only one reading this (which is probable), but do I really want to risk it? Unfortunately, my present musings only serve to reinforce my adolescent regression mention in the deleted post. ain't life grand?


At 10:54 AM, Blogger The Sasquatch said...

No, you're not the only one reading this. And sometimes even posts you delete can show up again on Google Cache.

Not that one, though. Whatever it was.

At 11:59 PM, Blogger SWAD said...

hmmm...annonymity was fun while it lasted....
too bad i couldn't resist a comment on spell check. :)


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