Wednesday, August 30, 2006


It's the freaking Dodgers for goodness sake! 12 innings and counting?!? are you kidding me?
people i've never heard of are pitching....we actually may make it competely through the pitching staff - which is NEVER a good thing.
okay now it's 14 innings and i can't stop watching. It's 2:30am and I can't stop watching what i fear will be a train wreck, 'cause i'm realistic, there's no way this can end well. nope, no way. anyone who could actually pitch was out of the game during the actual game. It's late; they're tired. and more importantly i fear it shant happen 'cause that's what I want and that's what I would expect - again, they're the freaking dodgers. but seeing as the past games have been less than encouraging....
alas, i still have blind hope and i remain awake.
and posting...
okay, so at ten after 3 the game is officially over - lost in the bottom of the 16th.
At least the Indians won their game. of course, this doesn't make much difference seeing as they are 20 games out of first and 15 out of the wild card and it's the end of august. The Reds, on the other hand, were briefly (very briefly) in first and until recently held the wild card. As my boyfriend says "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory", although not in the usual dramatic fashion.
But man, i still love this game!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Snakes on a Plane -'nuf said

I have an overly active imagination - blame on on the the only child thing, blame it on too much time spent alone, blame it on a love of legends and fairy tales or a general love of reading - the reason doesn't matter much at this point. My imagination tends to run wild, creating scenerios often more extreme than those that actually occur. It also has been pointed out to me that I have a tendency to overthink things. One would assume that the latter quality would bring about a rationalization thus eliminating the creation of possible scenerios in a completely fictional and contrived setting. That assumption would be wrong.
Yes, i expected snakes - i'm not addled. And yes, i expected them to jump out. This knowledge lead me to the proper expectation that I would be started at the sudden motion. But come on - it was Samuel L. Jackson and snakes on a plane!
The movie, despite my racing pulse (and no, it really isn't scary - more funny if you are a normal human being) was entertaining. Again, Snakes on a Plane - it's gotta be funny. It was enjoyable and the cheese was quality.
This being said...i had weird dreams last night. Not frightening in any realm of thought, but wierd. I don't remember them completely, in fact, i don't remember the first one at all, really, but i do remember awaking, mentally processing the oddity of my subconscious then immediately going back to sleep.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Breaks and Faith

Why is it that i can feel completely and utterly safe in my vehicle until the man mentions that i might want to replace my breaks sometime in the not so distant future? I have been driving without knowledge of said problem (and is it really a huge problem when i haven't felt or heard them?) with no issue or fear. All it takes is a few words. This, of course, doesn't hold much bearing anymore seeing as i haven't fixed them yet (it'll happen, it'll happen) and i apparently have no issue driving my car. Okay, so occasionally when i hit the breaks i wonder, but it doesn't happen every time. just sayin'