Wednesday, September 13, 2006

marketing at it finest

Okay, so despite my extreme shame, there are just some products I go nuts over.
Drano's max gel has recently been added to the list. With the help of the Drano, I have triumphed - i know, it doesn't take much.
Magic Eraser tends to kick my butt as well. And i do love the bleach pen for tile...i haven't used it for it's intended purpose so i'll reserve judgement there.
Tide To Go, which had trumped shout wipes (smaller surface area), has been letting me down recently, which saddens me. I'm hoping that it's merely a temporary slump.
I know there are other things out there that i marvel over - again, it doesn't take much, but they aren't coming to mind as readily. Don't get me wrong, i can't live without my zebra fine pens, but that's a matter of preference as i write small, for which my third grade teacher, and the C's i received in handwriting, are responsible. I'm a big fan of gmail, but that's logic....gotta love that organization, I don't care who you are.
Oh, and those standup staplers - love them, although it isn't the same passion i feel for the magic eraser.
Basically i'm just further fueling my stance as a big geek, but i'm okay with that. I figure that there really aren't that many products out there that offer absolutely no viable substitute (I tried the liquid plumber, I tried the works) and with the wealth of junk on the market, you've just gotta give props to the few truly good products.
I'm open to recommendations and suggestions.


At 12:24 PM, Blogger Emma Jackson said...

I love the Shout Wipes personally...they can even get stuff out of white uniforms!

At 9:00 AM, Blogger Matt said...

The fine-point Pilot Better Retractable ball point pen kicks the Zebra pen's ass and takes its lunch money. You can have my Pilot pens when you pry them from my cold, dead hands...and I've got quite the kung fu grip.


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