Thursday, October 05, 2006

i annoy myself

I've always been exceedingly good at being alone. In fact there's a song I love entitled "Alone But Not Lonely". People tend to be too much for me. Be it the way I grew up or the baggage of my past, or even the only child mentality, I don't enjoy large groups of people. In fact, i'm more prone to a hermit-like existence. I like my rock! In fact, in the current information age, I could completely isolate myself and still remain connected to the world at large...granted, not people, but the world at large, and really, society doesn't beg for deep meaningful relationships. We tend to exist on the surface level anyway. (Before I get reamed...i'm aware that the hermit existence is not what God intended).
That being said, I'm frustrated by how lonely i feel. Alone is good; i like alone. I can be alone in a crowded room - that's comfortable, but lonely in a crowded room just sucks. As does lonely in an empty room.
Now, what to do with this bit of information i've discovered about myself...
I'm not inclined to want to do anything about it - actually this is not truly the case. I'm mentally processing a new found desire to be with people on occasion. This, in addition to the general lonely feeling, does not make me comfortable. I believe i mention that i don't particularly care for people. It's easier not to depend upon them for anything...including community. Perhaps i'll head back to the bubble - it's self contained and sanitary. No germs except my own.
Of course, this course of reflection makes me aware that the bubble would suck as fact the germ-free existence would mayhaps kill me. That's the problem (or at least one of them) with love. Separation is more painful than interaction. What a k-nifty system.
Note that i am not insane enough to surmise that the creator of the universe may have made a mistake here. No, i get that relationship is the key and i get that it's not always easy. I could drop the trite, "you're never alone because God is always with you". While this is accurate (and a fundamental truth of the trinity), God isn't exactly the warm fuzzy that is sometimes needed. Yup, no doubt he could be, but solid form is occasionally more reassuring. Not to mention the whole connotative difference between "alone" and "lonely".
Although it's too late, in short, i'm cool with alone - bring on the alone, just get rid of the lonely.


At 8:56 AM, Blogger The Sasquatch said...

I love you


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