Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What a day!

So work is nutty crazy. I know, unbelievable considering my place of employ. Lots of books coming in, lots of paper to proof. Lot of questions. And the pile is winning.
I've spent the past few weeks trying to stay ahead of the pile. Let me 'splain what I mean by this. I have not eliminated my in box, let there be no mistake. In fact, my in box would not physically fit in my in box - it's more the in pile on my desk. Since my pile has been so large, my idea of winning (okay, treading) is when the pile of stuff i've already edited and scanned back is larger than the pile of stuff i still need to do. I broke even today. I am swimming in paper. Hmmmm....I'm actually kind of fond of the visual - goes along with the treading water metaphore and kinda makes me chuckle inside and hey, if the chuckle can last through Friday, I'm golden! Oooh, stream-of-consciousness. On Friday i'm going to attempt to try to to order glasses and not spend a fortune. My glasses prescription is like three prescriptions ago so when i have my glasses on Joe can actually read things better than I can. I know, i know, this means it's time for new glasses. My glasses; however, are EXPENSIVE 'cause i'm relatively blind. I sport a -9.5 in one eye and a modest -9.25 in the other and i've got an asigmatism. Woo Hoo! Tres excited! I might have to purchase with a pancreas, but at least i'll be able to see.


At 7:18 AM, Blogger The Sasquatch said...

I say we go ahead and register the both of us as potential eyeball donor recipients right now. That might be the easier way to deal with the situation than what we currently go through


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