Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What a day!

So work is nutty crazy. I know, unbelievable considering my place of employ. Lots of books coming in, lots of paper to proof. Lot of questions. And the pile is winning.
I've spent the past few weeks trying to stay ahead of the pile. Let me 'splain what I mean by this. I have not eliminated my in box, let there be no mistake. In fact, my in box would not physically fit in my in box - it's more the in pile on my desk. Since my pile has been so large, my idea of winning (okay, treading) is when the pile of stuff i've already edited and scanned back is larger than the pile of stuff i still need to do. I broke even today. I am swimming in paper. Hmmmm....I'm actually kind of fond of the visual - goes along with the treading water metaphore and kinda makes me chuckle inside and hey, if the chuckle can last through Friday, I'm golden! Oooh, stream-of-consciousness. On Friday i'm going to attempt to try to to order glasses and not spend a fortune. My glasses prescription is like three prescriptions ago so when i have my glasses on Joe can actually read things better than I can. I know, i know, this means it's time for new glasses. My glasses; however, are EXPENSIVE 'cause i'm relatively blind. I sport a -9.5 in one eye and a modest -9.25 in the other and i've got an asigmatism. Woo Hoo! Tres excited! I might have to purchase with a pancreas, but at least i'll be able to see.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Two down

Since I know so many were curious - the hand weights have been located. The oven is also now functional. Woohoo! Now to just finish unpacking and settling in.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

So I'm posting...

While keeping up-to-date on the going ons of others, it dawned on me that it's been about a year since last I posted. I believe that's my current average so I thought perhaps I might could post something. Hense this "something".
Stress level currently high-ish, though church this morning helped that out quite a bit. I need to work on a "living sacrifice" mantra - and stop crawling off the alter. I'm fully aware i struggle with control issues, and when i'm more obedient, my prayer life confesses that. With the help of the Most High, we'll work on it.
And the reasons why i'm aware I need to work on it:
The move is complete, thanks to Meg and Justin, Curt and Sheryl, Mary Anne, and the Fam (Caryn and Ryan, Shawn and Rachelle, Maw and Paw Shaw, and Aunt Patty). The boxes are not unpacked. The computer desk is closer to put together (i'm sitting at it to type, so that's a good sign - now, if i want to put anything in a drawer or close a door, i'll have to wait a bit).
The TV stand is the new saga. We got a new TV. Least anyone think this is an impulse decision, Joe and I have looked at larger TVs (as my husband is a smidge blind) for the past year and have never purchased. We've set aside money, wandered into Best Buy, Costco, or Target and purused the televisions, we've done research and have almost taken the plunge multiple times. As is generally good (and actually might have been good in this instance as well...), we are very hesitant to spend large amounts of money even when we have the money to spend. But today we got the TV home and began to set it up. We had measured the width of our current stand but neglected to measure the height. It fits width-wise, oh it fits - but it's 1 inch to tall for the stand. Let me repeat that - ONE STINKING INCH! We currently have it in the stand with the top loosened. We're going to have to rig a few inches of wood to somehow raise the top, attach both the stand and the top of the stand to this piece of wood and stain the wood to match with the handy little vial of stain that came with the TV armoire. Being completely honest, I don't move well. My husband will atest to this. I like order and moving defies order. I like to be able to find things and not have to trip over boxes. I like to be settled. I did relatively okay this move, comparitively, but i'm still on edge. Hense the awareness of control issues. True, the raging hormones are doing nothing to help the moving craziness, but i'm crazy on my own. If we make it to March without Joe killing me, the man is a saint!
Now if i could just find my hand weights...
Seriously, we really like the new place. We have a ton more space which we're sure to fill. I'll be tickled pink when i can get the pilot lights lit.