Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What a day!

So work is nutty crazy. I know, unbelievable considering my place of employ. Lots of books coming in, lots of paper to proof. Lot of questions. And the pile is winning.
I've spent the past few weeks trying to stay ahead of the pile. Let me 'splain what I mean by this. I have not eliminated my in box, let there be no mistake. In fact, my in box would not physically fit in my in box - it's more the in pile on my desk. Since my pile has been so large, my idea of winning (okay, treading) is when the pile of stuff i've already edited and scanned back is larger than the pile of stuff i still need to do. I broke even today. I am swimming in paper. Hmmmm....I'm actually kind of fond of the visual - goes along with the treading water metaphore and kinda makes me chuckle inside and hey, if the chuckle can last through Friday, I'm golden! Oooh, stream-of-consciousness. On Friday i'm going to attempt to try to to order glasses and not spend a fortune. My glasses prescription is like three prescriptions ago so when i have my glasses on Joe can actually read things better than I can. I know, i know, this means it's time for new glasses. My glasses; however, are EXPENSIVE 'cause i'm relatively blind. I sport a -9.5 in one eye and a modest -9.25 in the other and i've got an asigmatism. Woo Hoo! Tres excited! I might have to purchase with a pancreas, but at least i'll be able to see.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Two down

Since I know so many were curious - the hand weights have been located. The oven is also now functional. Woohoo! Now to just finish unpacking and settling in.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

So I'm posting...

While keeping up-to-date on the going ons of others, it dawned on me that it's been about a year since last I posted. I believe that's my current average so I thought perhaps I might could post something. Hense this "something".
Stress level currently high-ish, though church this morning helped that out quite a bit. I need to work on a "living sacrifice" mantra - and stop crawling off the alter. I'm fully aware i struggle with control issues, and when i'm more obedient, my prayer life confesses that. With the help of the Most High, we'll work on it.
And the reasons why i'm aware I need to work on it:
The move is complete, thanks to Meg and Justin, Curt and Sheryl, Mary Anne, and the Fam (Caryn and Ryan, Shawn and Rachelle, Maw and Paw Shaw, and Aunt Patty). The boxes are not unpacked. The computer desk is closer to put together (i'm sitting at it to type, so that's a good sign - now, if i want to put anything in a drawer or close a door, i'll have to wait a bit).
The TV stand is the new saga. We got a new TV. Least anyone think this is an impulse decision, Joe and I have looked at larger TVs (as my husband is a smidge blind) for the past year and have never purchased. We've set aside money, wandered into Best Buy, Costco, or Target and purused the televisions, we've done research and have almost taken the plunge multiple times. As is generally good (and actually might have been good in this instance as well...), we are very hesitant to spend large amounts of money even when we have the money to spend. But today we got the TV home and began to set it up. We had measured the width of our current stand but neglected to measure the height. It fits width-wise, oh it fits - but it's 1 inch to tall for the stand. Let me repeat that - ONE STINKING INCH! We currently have it in the stand with the top loosened. We're going to have to rig a few inches of wood to somehow raise the top, attach both the stand and the top of the stand to this piece of wood and stain the wood to match with the handy little vial of stain that came with the TV armoire. Being completely honest, I don't move well. My husband will atest to this. I like order and moving defies order. I like to be able to find things and not have to trip over boxes. I like to be settled. I did relatively okay this move, comparitively, but i'm still on edge. Hense the awareness of control issues. True, the raging hormones are doing nothing to help the moving craziness, but i'm crazy on my own. If we make it to March without Joe killing me, the man is a saint!
Now if i could just find my hand weights...
Seriously, we really like the new place. We have a ton more space which we're sure to fill. I'll be tickled pink when i can get the pilot lights lit.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Wow Thursday.....

It amazes me that so much happened on Thursday and I didn't find out about it until Friday! Baseball was shaken in two respects. Barry Bond's is indicted for purgery. Guess it doesn't matter how I feel about the record, now. It's an interesting legacy. While there will still be the staunch supporters, I have a feeling those sitting the fence in "benefit of the doubt" catergory might swing the way of "if he could lie to the grand jury, it's highly possible he could lie to the American public". I personally found his rapid pump up a tinsy bit fishy. All in all this development further adds to my respect for the guys, like Ken Griffey Jr., who chose to honor the game and play without performance enhancing drugs.
My heart breaks on the second count. Granted Cincinnati folks may love him more than others, but you cannot deny Joe Nuxhall's contribution to the game as a player or as an announcer. It makes me sad that I'll never again hear "Rounding third and heading for home". Thanks for everything, Joe.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

i annoy myself

I've always been exceedingly good at being alone. In fact there's a song I love entitled "Alone But Not Lonely". People tend to be too much for me. Be it the way I grew up or the baggage of my past, or even the only child mentality, I don't enjoy large groups of people. In fact, i'm more prone to a hermit-like existence. I like my rock! In fact, in the current information age, I could completely isolate myself and still remain connected to the world at large...granted, not people, but the world at large, and really, society doesn't beg for deep meaningful relationships. We tend to exist on the surface level anyway. (Before I get reamed...i'm aware that the hermit existence is not what God intended).
That being said, I'm frustrated by how lonely i feel. Alone is good; i like alone. I can be alone in a crowded room - that's comfortable, but lonely in a crowded room just sucks. As does lonely in an empty room.
Now, what to do with this bit of information i've discovered about myself...
I'm not inclined to want to do anything about it - actually this is not truly the case. I'm mentally processing a new found desire to be with people on occasion. This, in addition to the general lonely feeling, does not make me comfortable. I believe i mention that i don't particularly care for people. It's easier not to depend upon them for anything...including community. Perhaps i'll head back to the bubble - it's self contained and sanitary. No germs except my own.
Of course, this course of reflection makes me aware that the bubble would suck as fact the germ-free existence would mayhaps kill me. That's the problem (or at least one of them) with love. Separation is more painful than interaction. What a k-nifty system.
Note that i am not insane enough to surmise that the creator of the universe may have made a mistake here. No, i get that relationship is the key and i get that it's not always easy. I could drop the trite, "you're never alone because God is always with you". While this is accurate (and a fundamental truth of the trinity), God isn't exactly the warm fuzzy that is sometimes needed. Yup, no doubt he could be, but solid form is occasionally more reassuring. Not to mention the whole connotative difference between "alone" and "lonely".
Although it's too late, in short, i'm cool with alone - bring on the alone, just get rid of the lonely.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

marketing at it finest

Okay, so despite my extreme shame, there are just some products I go nuts over.
Drano's max gel has recently been added to the list. With the help of the Drano, I have triumphed - i know, it doesn't take much.
Magic Eraser tends to kick my butt as well. And i do love the bleach pen for tile...i haven't used it for it's intended purpose so i'll reserve judgement there.
Tide To Go, which had trumped shout wipes (smaller surface area), has been letting me down recently, which saddens me. I'm hoping that it's merely a temporary slump.
I know there are other things out there that i marvel over - again, it doesn't take much, but they aren't coming to mind as readily. Don't get me wrong, i can't live without my zebra fine pens, but that's a matter of preference as i write small, for which my third grade teacher, and the C's i received in handwriting, are responsible. I'm a big fan of gmail, but that's logic....gotta love that organization, I don't care who you are.
Oh, and those standup staplers - love them, although it isn't the same passion i feel for the magic eraser.
Basically i'm just further fueling my stance as a big geek, but i'm okay with that. I figure that there really aren't that many products out there that offer absolutely no viable substitute (I tried the liquid plumber, I tried the works) and with the wealth of junk on the market, you've just gotta give props to the few truly good products.
I'm open to recommendations and suggestions.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Today i have had an opportunity to evaluate some of the stuff God is doing in my life. An old roommate of mine recently sent a forward and since i hadn't heard from her in years, i sent an email to her. We got to dialogue about what God is doing and where we are. It was pretty cool to reflect on the stuff God has shown me and then woohoo, call out something new to work on. Gotta love that! seriously, it was neat to look at the things i've been working on and really see the progress but also note the aspects i still get to wrestle with. ahhh growth!
Reflection and introspection often come as the world spins crazy as well. if grounded in it, Truth seems to speak more strongly through lies.
just some thoughts...i haven't reread what i just wrote, but i'm not so sure it makes sense to anyone but me. I'm sure some of the vagueness will be address in detail later (or if you really want to know, ask) when my brain is capable of writing it...although i could cut and paste what i wrote to Lisa, but i think it would need some additional stuff seeing as it's been a while since i sent the email and my brain hasn't stopped.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


It's the freaking Dodgers for goodness sake! 12 innings and counting?!? are you kidding me?
people i've never heard of are pitching....we actually may make it competely through the pitching staff - which is NEVER a good thing.
okay now it's 14 innings and i can't stop watching. It's 2:30am and I can't stop watching what i fear will be a train wreck, 'cause i'm realistic, there's no way this can end well. nope, no way. anyone who could actually pitch was out of the game during the actual game. It's late; they're tired. and more importantly i fear it shant happen 'cause that's what I want and that's what I would expect - again, they're the freaking dodgers. but seeing as the past games have been less than encouraging....
alas, i still have blind hope and i remain awake.
and posting...
okay, so at ten after 3 the game is officially over - lost in the bottom of the 16th.
At least the Indians won their game. of course, this doesn't make much difference seeing as they are 20 games out of first and 15 out of the wild card and it's the end of august. The Reds, on the other hand, were briefly (very briefly) in first and until recently held the wild card. As my boyfriend says "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory", although not in the usual dramatic fashion.
But man, i still love this game!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Snakes on a Plane -'nuf said

I have an overly active imagination - blame on on the the only child thing, blame it on too much time spent alone, blame it on a love of legends and fairy tales or a general love of reading - the reason doesn't matter much at this point. My imagination tends to run wild, creating scenerios often more extreme than those that actually occur. It also has been pointed out to me that I have a tendency to overthink things. One would assume that the latter quality would bring about a rationalization thus eliminating the creation of possible scenerios in a completely fictional and contrived setting. That assumption would be wrong.
Yes, i expected snakes - i'm not addled. And yes, i expected them to jump out. This knowledge lead me to the proper expectation that I would be started at the sudden motion. But come on - it was Samuel L. Jackson and snakes on a plane!
The movie, despite my racing pulse (and no, it really isn't scary - more funny if you are a normal human being) was entertaining. Again, Snakes on a Plane - it's gotta be funny. It was enjoyable and the cheese was quality.
This being said...i had weird dreams last night. Not frightening in any realm of thought, but wierd. I don't remember them completely, in fact, i don't remember the first one at all, really, but i do remember awaking, mentally processing the oddity of my subconscious then immediately going back to sleep.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Breaks and Faith

Why is it that i can feel completely and utterly safe in my vehicle until the man mentions that i might want to replace my breaks sometime in the not so distant future? I have been driving without knowledge of said problem (and is it really a huge problem when i haven't felt or heard them?) with no issue or fear. All it takes is a few words. This, of course, doesn't hold much bearing anymore seeing as i haven't fixed them yet (it'll happen, it'll happen) and i apparently have no issue driving my car. Okay, so occasionally when i hit the breaks i wonder, but it doesn't happen every time. just sayin'