Friday, December 30, 2005

I'm dreaming...

As I glance about my humble abode i'm wondering how long can one's Christmas decorations remain in place before the culprit is brought before the white trash review board. That being said, I'm going for the first of the sounds reasonable considering I could have been traveling and then have found myself oh so busy upon my return, much too busy to concern myself with ornament removal and proper storage of snowmen. This, of course, is not my situation, but could very well be the case for some poor bedragled soul who is pondering consulting Emily Post for a firm judgement on the matter but due to more pressing responsibilities has not yet found the time for an interview. In the midst of my wonderment, i'm also considering just how I am going to remove the lights strung about my living room. I feel like a small child who needs to be scolded - you got them up now you must find a way to get them down. Alas, it's too daunting a task; I'll deal with it tomorrow! Perhaps by then story book elves will have done the dirty work for me. Someone really ought to rethink the prudence of telling such tales to small children; it only sets us up for nostalgic and unreasonable longing as adults. One can hope...

Thursday, December 29, 2005


As usual, I'm several years late entering the craze - no biggy. My internal musings often result in random outward ramblings....gotta love that anyone reading was forewarned, but writing them down is new (talking out loud to myself has never been a problem). If nothing else i'll have opportunity to later wonder in shock why I would write such drivel. Of course, my daily excitement rivals that of a troglodyte so i'm sure i'll never want of available topics.
By this point i've noticed, you've noticed, we've all noticed (and I'm betting a few are more than slightly perturbed) that i'm not a stickler for capitalization of the letter "I". Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Perhaps it can be seen as an editorial on my level of intelligence (or lack there of), or perhaps merely a symptom of laziness, or a diabolical plot to annoy the church of proper grammar, or even a commentary on casual vs. formal communication in today's society. Whatever you chose, know that it will continue and i won't lose sleep.
Does it happen everywhere or is it just this lovely land of orange cones and sinus infections? Mid-Fifties one day, thirty the next.... I know I have to expect it but that doesn't mean i have to like it. I'm just wondering, before I pack my worldly possessions and drive off into the distance, whether it would be worth it. Am I merely going to find another such place? Are schizophrenic weather patterns the norm everywhere? Do other places have something more delightfully and unexpectedly menacing in store? Will I have what equates to a small apothecary in my linen closet no matter my locale?