Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Let's see you do it, Dick Button!

Sports commentators, in general, tend to annoy me. Aside from the fact that I would much rather watch the game with my own bias in full form*, the inane comments get on my nerves. While I do bow to the experience level of most sports commentators as the trend is to use individuals who were former stars in their respective fields to lend an air of authority and, let's face it, "big name" quality to the broadcast, some of these voices of authority haven't seen the rigors of competition in years. It is in some of these circumstances, therefore, that i find myself talking back to the commentators (I know, I know - a commentary on my own mental state more than the issue at hand) incensed that they are making some of their statements when there's no way they have a hope of doing half of what the competitor is doing. I am aware that these commentators are there with the purpose of calling the game and are bound to have some editorial comments and i fully support the fact that occasionally professional athletes aren't having their best day, or even perhaps generally suck, and that fact might call for mention. I merely contend that no matter how knowledgeable Dick Button may be, I don't take kindly to his tone. The job is to report, not to condescend. I'm just saying.... Not that Dick is the only individual to hinder my viewing experience (hmmm...or would it be as fun if I weren't yelling at the announcers?) - no matter the sport I tend to find several games when my sports crazed mind has me contemplating tracking down the announcer to give him my two cents worth. True, this may make me no better than the offender, but i'm not getting paid to share my thoughts so I get to freely indulge my personal bias.

*the exception to this is the amazing and highly entertaining Bob Uecker who is, beyond a doubt, genius and the highlight to watching a Brewers game. He can say whatever he wants whenever he wants to whomever he wants. There are a few others as well, but they don't come to mind nearly as quickly and easily.


At 1:06 PM, Blogger The Sasquatch said...

Another "say whatever he wants" announcer is Harray Carrey. I know, he's dead, but he could say whatever he wanted when he was alive.

For instance, I watched a Cubs game with a friend once and heard this call.

"Fly ball to short right, Jose Viscano is under it and ... HE DROPPED THE BALL! HE DROPPED THE BALL! Jose Viscano, riddle me this. How does a Mexican loose the ball in the sun?"

But you're right. Many sports commentators are idiots. Joe Morgan, for instance, and his refusal to admit even minimal success with Sabrmetrics. And then we have Steve Stewart, who upon hearing Marty Brenneman announce that the Red's pitcher had just loaded the bases in the bottom of the ninth, quipped, "What the pitched doesn't want to do here, Marty, is give up a base hit."

Really? I had no idea a pitcher's job was NOT to give up runs in a save situation. Thanks for clearing that up, Captain Obvious.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger The Sasquatch said...

the previous comment was writting without the assistance of glasses or any other visual aid. Forgive mispellings, typos, and any other mistakes which are normally included with intent to annoy (but, alas, were not in this case)

At 11:11 PM, Blogger SWAD said...

hehe...thanks for reminding me of the "in case you weren't aware of basic rules of the game" announcers.
You know I have to ask - who was pitching? Because depending upon the player in question, the fans might have had cause to doubt they actual duty of the pitcher thus potentially making the comment useful as opposed to supremely stupid and disturbing....

At 1:56 PM, Blogger The Sasquatch said...

Well, given that it was a Reds pitcher, it probably was a necessary comment. I think it was Eric Milton. but I could be wrong.


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