Thursday, February 09, 2006


Okay, so why do paper cuts hurt so much more than anything else? I can forego any type of numbing agent when the dentist starts to drill and suffer barely a grimace; I can handle the burst of a cyst by curling into a ball and slowly exhaling, but a paper cut prompts a high pitched screech, immediate insertion of the injured area into the mouth for the purpose of sucking (and why do i do this? It doesn't make the pain go away. sure, i get the lovely iron flavor of my blood, but i am fully aware that my mouth is not the most sanitary option for an open cut - a fact that seemingly eludes me when presented with the sight of my own blood) soon followed by requisite flailing of the offending hand/arm. And then there's the stupid resulting skin flap thing that ensures the general annoyance of the injury for several days. Exhibit A - the three (yup, three - if i'm going for it, i'm going all the way) paper cuts I managed to get on the tip of my finger yesterday are still driving me nuts. Granted, i'm irritating my fingertip every time i type an "a", but even if i weren't typing, at least one of said cuts would still be associated with a dull throb. On a positive note, one of the three cuts was rather shallow and the flappy thing has managed to adhere (woohoo white blood cells!) but i have a feeling the other two are in for the long haul considering the largest opens up and bleeds every once in a while. It should be noted that fingertip bandages were not designed for a pinky - not that it makes that much difference considering the location of the cuts are inopportune for bandage placement of any type as the bandages only succeed in pulling one of two cuts open. arghh!


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