Thursday, February 02, 2006

I shall never understand

The male mind, at any age, is completely foreign to me. I am not, nor shall I ever be male - a fact for which, despite the inescapable physical joys of womanhood, i hit my knees and fervently thank God. And why, you may wonder, do I feel the need to share the utter but very basic difference of the sexes? It isn't as if such posits are new. From our first words, or even prior, each and every human being is aware of the underlying differences between man and woman. Why then, do i marvel at the ways we choose (or are biologically ordained?) to express ourselves? I am not seeking to entertain a nurture/nature debate, although the theories are intriguing. No, I am merely executing fundamental statement of fact. Our minds do not function in the same manner, regardless of union or commonality. This, to me, is amazing.
It truly does not matter the age of the male creature, inevitably he will do or say something to which my only possible response is a look of utter confusion. While it is possible this might be indicative of a personal problem in synapse functionality, if I glance about the room, my expression is not seen exclusively on my face but instead graces the countenance of other XX bearers as well. I believe that the primary root of incomprehension on our part has to do with our incapable to conceive of a possible motive for whatever statement or behavior that lead to a confounded expression as response. Why do you persist in risking life and limb for no other reason than "it was there" or "i could"? Why does physical humor delight you so? How is it possible that you can entertain yourself for hours with a fight sequence? Young or old, alone or in packs, I will never understand men. On a positive note, I have discovered that rarely is the source of my confusion new. From birth to death there are simply variations on a similar theme. I'm not sure if this should bring me comfort or frighten me even more in the fact that i still have yet to figure it out.
Women aren't nearly this perplexing!


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