Monday, May 08, 2006

Them's good eatin'

So i was driving home from work today contemplating roadkill. Before I get too deeply involved in this post, it should be noted that I am a girl, and despite occasionally wishing it weren't, my behavior is, as such, girlie. I don't dwell to deeply on the fact that it was until recently a fuzzy animal, and despite my sciency background, my initial response is always "ewwwwee". That being said, I was thinking about my history with roadkill. You see, I grew up in a rural area. Roadkill came in all shapes and sizes and with the reasonably light traffic flow, would lie by the side of the road until it bloated and began to decompose, only occasionally being scattered by an unsuspecting vehicle. I have also visited parts of the world where a cow can lie dead in the middle of the road and everyone knows to just go around until the vultures have finished their work. Roadkill in the city is an entirely different experience. First, I wonder how, exactly, there comes to be roadkill on the highway. There are fences, people. And the highway wasn't built yesterday. It's not likely to surprise Bambi because heaven knows it's loud. Yet still there is roadkill. In the past few days i have driven past/through the scattered remains of some poor animal, now unrecognizable. I know, based on the state of different parts of the carcass, that the roadkill is relatively fresh. I also know that it will be gone in the next few days. This is not because birds of prey will find a feast, but instead because the sheer multitude of vehicular traffic will have pulverized anything that remains.
Thus my morbid observation.
In other news, I am a total and complete klutz. This, of course, is not new to me as I have always been a klutz, but is more relevant at this moment in time because I just fell up (yup, i said up) the stairs not once, but twice before I made it to my apartment.
Because I am such a klutz, I frequently forget I have fallen or bumped into an object only to wonder where the bruise that develops in the not so distant future came from.
That's all I've got right now.


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