Monday, May 22, 2006

puzzles i create for myself

So I love to work logic puzzles. This doesn't mean a lot but does set a bit of the context to this post. Logic puzzles are like a good mystery to be solved. There is an answer and I must eliminate variables in order to decipher it. Solving problems (of a non-mathematical nature) gets my juices flowing. That being said, I'm not fond of the little mysteries i leave for myself.
I have an alarming habit of jotting things down on random scraps of paper - phone numbers, partial addresses, company names, words, etc. I would like to claim that I jot in haste and therefore omit vital information inadvertently. As much as convenient shifting of blame pervades our society (a post for another day), I must admit full culpability in my current circumstance. At the time I write the small, yet seemingly important bits of information, i am certain that I will remember the relevance of a word or number, not to mention the corresponding scrap of paper on which it was written. In all honesty, I don't even think about the possibility that I could have problems in the not so distant future, so i suppose the previous "certain I will remember" statement is in error. No, my mind simply fills in the relevant blanks at the time I write it, and my brain apparently gives no thought to attributing corresponding details to assist in the assimilation of the information. The result is a joyous experiential period as I gaze inquisitively at the scrap I had intended to throw away moments before. What, pray tell, is the relevance of this phone number? To whom does it belong? Do I dare call it and find out? And just when did I "need" the number? For obviously, the time has passed, evidenced by my inability to place the number.
I do manage to figure out almost each scrap in time, but it would save worlds of time and frustration (although thereby eliminating the "game") if I just learned to write everything down at the beginning. An element of my frustration springs from the fact that this never used to be a problem as I have both the blessing and curse of a rather extensive memory. Apparently my ability to juggle all information and keep it at the forefront has waned slightly. And this requires adaptation which i seem to be too lazy to appropriately enforce.


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